Iranian Animated Short Film: "Each Other" directed by Sarah Tabibzadeh, which was previously screened at the Fajr International Film Festival and International Shahr Film Festival and also won the special prize for animation technology at the 11th Tehran International Animation Festival, is now selected to compete at ANIMAGE – International Animation Festival of Pernambuco, Brazil.
Iranian Animated Short Film: "Each Other" directed by Sarah Tabibzadeh, which was previously screened at the Fajr International Film Festival and International Shahr Film Festival and also won the special prize for animation technology at the 11th Tehran International Animation Festival, is now selected to compete at ANIMAGE – International Animation Festival of Pernambuco, Brazil.
"Each Other," tells the story of a young man who works in a “Layeromat”. After he accidentally loses one of his layers, he searches the whole town to find it.
Sarah Tabibzadeh has had her second experience as a director and producer in "Each Other" Silent Animated Short Film.
Animage, which has been held every year in Pernambuco, Brazil since 2009, is one of the most prestigious animated film Festivals in Brazil. Festival includes Competitive and Non-competitive Screenings of national and international animation films, in addition to special sessions, exhibitions and animation workshops for both beginners and professionals. The 10th edition of the Animage takes place from October 11 to 20.
The GlobeCSF (Pouria Mousavi and Leyla Parvaz) is responsible for the International distribution of "Each Other" short film.